All things good and nice was born in 2021. Coming out of bleak times because of the pandemic, we need more than ever to rally together as a community and be there for each other.
Our world is vastly different to how it was just a few years ago, and more than ever people need support, love, and to feel part of something. We thrive on connection and engagement and our mental well being depends on it.
It became apparent that we are inadvertently using our blue and green spaces more, and as well as the obvious benefits, we are slowly but very surely becoming climate conscious. We are recognising that our natural world is fragile and demands respect and care.
All Things Good And Nice aim to involve the community, build on these foundations, and provide education and well being projects from nature walks to promote mindfulness, through to canoe tuition and stand up paddleboarding to help with exercise and interest in paddle sport on our rivers.
A strong vibrant community can bring change and positivity and serve to make a real difference to our immediate environment and beyond. At All Things Good And Nice we aim to harness that and make the future brighter for everyone.
Since our inception we have since gone on to become a Community Interest Company – a not for profit social enterprise.
And as we continue to grow and build on these early foundations, we are delighted to welcome 3 new members to the board of directors in 2024.
The combined skillsets of these 3 new directors will ensure that All Things Good And Nice goes from strength to strength in its outreach in to the community, benefitting the mind, body & soul of many more people – not to mention our local environment.
As such, my sincerest thanks go to Neil Cartwright, Linda Dellow & Lyndsey Downes – who’s story you can read here.